St. John’s Handbell Ensemble The Handbell Ensemble is in need of 2 or 3 ringers. This group rings once a month at the 11:00 am Mass from September – May, with the exception of the Advent and Lenten seasons. We are attempting to present a Christmas program at a local nursing home in December. The ensemble practices on Tuesday evenings, from 6:30 – 7:30 pm, 2 – 3 times per month. Rehearsals will begin on September 10th. You do not need to read music in order to participate. An understanding of basic rhythmic notations is helpful. You do not need to make every Mass that we play at, nor every rehearsal, as we have subs able to take your place. Please call the rectory office and leave your name and phone number if interested, or please feel welcome to stop up to the choir loft after any weekend Mass and try out the bells. St. John’s Adult Choir (run September 15th – October 6th) The St. John’s Adult Choir will begin singing at the 11:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, October 13th with a rehearsal beginning at 10:00 am that morning.. Regular rehearsals are held on Sunday mornings from 10:00 – 10:45 a.m., with an occasional Tuesday evening rehearsal during busy seasons such as Christmas and Easter. You do not need to read music; most of the present members cannot read and are taught through repetition. You do not need to be present every Sunday; you can attend as your schedule allows. We ask that you have a pleasant singing voice and a willingness to follow direction. The choir is open to young adults aged 16 and older through older adults and all voice parts are needed. We hope that you will prayerfully consider this important ministry.
St. John’s Funeral Choir (run September 8th – October 6th) The St. John’s Funeral Choir is always looking for new members. This choir sings at most funeral Masses held at our church. You need not be present for each funeral Mass – you can participate as your schedule allows. Please call the rectory office if interested, and leave your name and phone number.
Vocal Cantors and Instrumentalists: (run September 8th – October 6th) We welcome all practicing vocalists and instrumentalists to participate in weekend and special liturgies throughout the year as your schedule allows. Please contact the rectory office to leave your contact information, or stop up to the choir loft after any weekend Mass to receive more information. This is a great way for high school musicians to acquire volunteer hours!